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Woman in water with dumbbells



Being in water makes you lighter but increases resistance against you – effectively you’ll be lifting weights! So, pool-based classes are great for cardio & toning! Working out in water means low impact on your joints too!


Why join Tree of Health & Wellbeing in the pool….

Gentle on your joints and great for toning up, splash is a cardio and conditioning, pool-based workout that gets muscles working against the resistance of the water; elevating the heart rate and burning calories.


Whilst being extremely challenging, aqua fitness has a low impact on the body. If you suffer from painful joints, are injured or pregnant but still want to stay active, aqua fitness takes the pressure off your body whilst still giving you an incredible workout.


When doing Splash…

It may not get your heart racing as much as cardio on land, but there’s no denying that aqua fitness is an effective workout! Here are just a few of the benefits a splash can give you.


  • Builds strength – There’s a reason why professional swimmers are so lean; the resistance provided by the water has a similar effect to lifting weights in the gym. Fighting against the push of the water activates your muscles and contributes to their development, which in turn leads to a fitter body and higher metabolism.
  • A more rigorous workout than you think – The buoyancy of the water doesn’t just give you extra resistance, it also requires more effort on your part to move, which gives your body a much better cardiovascular session. Not only does this full body workout result in calories being burned, but it also helps strengthen your heart and lungs.
  • Keeps you going through injuries – Injuries are never fun, especially if it means you have to take a break from your usual exercise routine. But aqua aerobics takes the pressure of your vulnerable joints, allowing you to keep exercising and recover from injuries without risk of further damage.


It’s suitable for all clients whatever their fitness level.